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(1)Xiuhua Zhang, Enyuan Zhang,Yizhuo Zhang. Study on shear performance of cold-formed thin-walled steel walls sheathed by paper straw board,Engineering Structures,2021,245:112873. (SCI: JCR Q1区/中科院2区/TOP期刊)

(2)Xiuhua Zhang,Enyuan Zhang, Chaoran Li. Study on axial compression mechanical behavior of cold-formed thin-walled C-shaped steel composite wall sheathed with straw board on both sides. Structures,2021, 33:3746-3756. (SCI:JCR Q2区/中科院3区)

(3) Suxia Kou, Xiuhua Zhang* (通讯作者), Wancheng Li,et al. Dynamic Response Parameter Analysis of Steel Frame Joints under Blast Loading. Buildings,2022, 12, 433:1-16.( SCI: JCR Q2区/中科院3区)


(5)Xiuhua Zhang,Zilin Zhao,Xiang Li.Flexural Performance of cold-formed thin-walled steel-paper straw board composite slab[J]. Civil Engineering Journal,2020,1:10-24.(EI)


(7)李玉顺,张秀华* (通讯作者),吴培增,等.重组竹在长期荷载作用下的蠕变行为[J].建筑材料学报,2019,22(1):65-71.(EI)


(9)张秀华,段忠东,李玉顺. 燃气爆炸冲击加载试验研究与数值模拟,振动与冲击,2015,34(10):142-146.(EI)




(13)Zhang Xiuhua,Duan Zhongdong, Zhang Chunwei. Numerical simulation of dynamic response and collapse for steel frame structures subject to blast load. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2008, 4(S):523-529.(EI)

(14)李玉顺,张家亮,张秀华*,等. 短期荷载作用下钢-竹界面黏结应力和滑移分析. 建筑结构学报,2015,36(10):114-123.(EI)




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