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1. Xu M*, Gao S, Guo LH, et al. Study on collapse mechanism of steel frame with CFST-columns under column-removal scenario. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 14(2018): 275-286 (SCI included number000423897100023)

2. Xu M*, Gao S, Yang B, et al. Study on seismic behavior of angle steel connection joints for concrete-filled square steel tubular column. ingegneria sismica-International Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 3(Anno-XXXV): 139-157 (SCI included number000445701400008)

3. Xu M*, Gao S, Zhang SM, et al. Experimental study on bolted CFST-column joints with different configurations in accommodating column-loss. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 151(2018): 122-131 (SCI included number000452574000010)

4. Xu M*, Xu Zixuan, Zhang Lingxin, Liu Shuyao. Experimental study on the seismic behaviour of sleeve joint for beam-column connection. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 16(S1): 68-77 (EI included number20190606462885)

5. Gao S, Xu M*, Zhang Sumei. Dynamic analysis of concrete-filled steel tube composite frame against progressive collapse based on benchmark model. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2018, 21(7): 1021-1035SCI included number000430407100006

6. Xu M*, Gao S, Wang YY, et al. Performance of CFST-steel beam rigid connection under combined moment and tension. Journal of Building Structures,2013, 34(S1): 89-95 (EI included number20133916790320)

7. Xu M*, Gao S, Zhang LB, et al. Progressive collapse dynamic analysis of concentrically braced steel frames. China Civil Engineering Journal, 2013, 46(S1): 329-338 (EI included number20132816484587)

8. Xu M*,Gao S, Wang YY . Behavior of New Type of Semi-Rigid Joints under Moment and Tensional Force. Applied Mechanics and materials, 2012,226-228 : 1165-1169 (EI included number20125215834468)

9. Wang YY, Xu M*, Guo LH, et al. Progressive Collapse Analysis of Multi-storey Composite Frames. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,243-249:1173-1178 (EI included number20112314045050)

10. Xu M*, Zhang SM, Guo LH, et al. Progressive Collapse Analysis of Concrete-filled steel tubular Frames with Semi-rigid Connections. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2011, 17(6) (EI included number20120714762936)

11. Xu M*, Zhang SM, Gan S. Overview of analysis approaches in preventing progressive collapse of building structure. Journal of harbin institute of technology, 2010, 42(S1): 234-239.( EI included number20102413004112)

12. Xu M*, Wang YY, Zhang SM. Shear resistance behavior of steel plate shear wall and steel-concrete composite shear wall with two-side connection. Journal of harbin institute of technology, 2010, 42(8): 1216-1220 ( EI included number20103713231897)



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