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[1]Jun Wang, Hao Dong.Preparation and application of multi-source solid wastes as clean aggregates: A comprehensive review. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 418:135414. SCI TOPⅠ区、JCR Q1、中科院Q1、影响因子7.4

[2]Hao Dong, Jun Wang.Carbon nanofibers and polyvinyl-alcohol fiber hybrid-reinforced high-performance concrete:Mechanical property, chloride penetration resistance, and material characterization, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 399:131891.SCI TOPⅠ区、JCR Q1、中科院Q1、影响因子7.4

[3]He Xue, Jun Wang, Qitai Jiang, Mechanical properties and drying shrinkage of graphite tailing-basalt fiber cement mortar. Construction and Building Materials,2023, 409: 133898.SCI TOPⅠ区、JCR Q1、中科院Q1、影响因子7.4

[4]Jun Wang, Ruizhen Fu, Hao Dong,Carbon nanofibers and PVA fiber hybrid concrete: Abrasion and impact resistance,Journal of Building Engineering,2023, 80: 107894.SCI TOPⅡ区、JCR Q1、中科院Q2、影响因子6.4

[5]Jun Wang, Menglin Cui , Yurong Jiao, Xueqi Fang.Axial stress-strain characteristics and confinement mechanism of concrete-encased steel composite columns: An analytical model.Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 72: 106656.SCI TOPⅡ区、JCR Q1、中科院Q2、影响因子6.4

[6]Jun Wang,Hao Dong. PVA fiber-reinforced ultrafine fly ash concrete: Engineering properties, resistance to chloride ion penetration, and microstructure. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 66:105858.SCI TOPⅡ区、JCR Q1、中科院Q2、影响因子6.4

[7]Jun Wang, Shaojing Ma, Menglin Cui,Numerical simulation of size effect in concrete-encased high-strength steel columns under axial compression. Structures,2024, 59: 105725.SCI JCR Q2、中科院Q2、影响因子4.1

[8]Jun Wang, Menglin Cui. Experimental investigation and predictive modeling of shear performance for concrete-encased steel beams using artificial neural networks. Materials and Structures, 2023, 56: 141.SCI JCR Q2、中科院Q3、影响因子3.8

[9]王钧;孙文泽;赵金友;苏宇;王欣然. 高强H形钢混凝土组合柱偏心受压性能试验研究.建筑结构学报,2022, 43(10): 249-258.EI、影响因子1.4

[10]王钧;苏宇;赵金友;王欣然;孙文泽. 高强H形钢混凝土组合柱轴压性能研究. 建筑结构学报, 2022, 43(09): 191-200.EI、影响因子1.4


[1]黑龙江省住房和城乡建设厅、黑龙江省市场监督管理局.DB23/J3631-2023. 建筑全过程碳排放计算标准[S]. 黑龙江: 中国标准出版社, 2024.

[2]中国建筑学会. T/ASC 29-2022. 装配式配筋砌块砌体建筑技术标准[S]. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2023.


[1]王钧;李婷;赵金友;徐嫚:薛鹤;李世平;郭冬伟;宋哲生;白雪石. 一种混杂纤维增强增韧高强自密实混凝土及其制备方法. ZL201711260183.0[p]. 2021-08-24.

[2]王钧;宋哲生;赵金友;孙文泽;苏字;段玉鑫;伊心宇;王欣然. 一种复掺微-纳米级纤维高性能混凝土及制备方法. ZL201911289478.X[p]. 2022-03-29.

[3]王钧;陈斌;王欣然;伊心字;段玉鑫;刘奇. 碱激发胶凝材料及其使用方法. ZL202010539400.5[p]. 2022-04-22.

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