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参与国家自然科学基金2项,重点研发计划1项。在Engineering structures, Construction and Building Materials, Ocean Engineering等国际知名期刊发表SCI收录论文14篇,授权发明专利1项。代表作:

[1] LIN YZ, YAN JC*, WANG ZF, et al. Failure mechanism and failure patterns of SCS composite beams with steel-fiber-reinforced UHPC. Engineering Structures, 2020, 211: 110471. (SCI收录,IF=5.582)

[2] LIN YZ, YAN JC*, WANG YH, et al. Shear failure mechanisms of SCS sandwich beams considering bond-slip between steel plates and concrete. Engineering Structures, 2019, 181: 458-475. (SCI收录,IF=5.582)

[3] LIN YZ, YAN JC*, WANG ZF, et al. Effect of silica fumes on fluidity of UHPC: Experiments, influence mechanism and evaluation methods. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 210: 451-460. (SCI收录,IF=7.693)

[4] LIN YZ, YAN JC*, WANG ZF, et al. Ultimate capacity and failure mechanism of SCS and S-UHPC composite deep beams: Test and modeling. Engineering Structures, 2021, 245: 112874. (SCI收录,IF=5.582)

[5] LIN YZ, YAN JC*, WANG ZF, et al. Effects of steel fibers on failure mechanism of S-UHPC composite beams applied in the arctic offshore structure. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 234: 109302. (SCI收录,IF=4.372)

[6] LIN YZ, YAN JC*, Cao ZG, et al. Ultimate strength behavior of S-UHPC-S and SCS sandwich beams under shear loads. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018; 149: 195-206. (SCI收录,IF=4.349)

[7] Yan JC, LIN YZ*, et al. Failure mechanism of a prestressed concrete containment vessel in nuclear power plant subjected to accident internal pressure. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 133:610-622. (SCI收录, IF: 1.81

[8] Yan JC, LIN YZ, et al. Study on mechanical behavior of containment in nuclear power plant during prestressing construction. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 338: 247-260.(SCI收录, IF: 1.9

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