1. 近5年代表性学术论文:
(1)Xiaoqian Li, Quansheng Sun, Jianfei Li, Yancheng Liu, Hongpeng Sun, Chao Zhang, Experimental study on the shear performance of the bonding interface between geopolymer concrete and cement concrete, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 103, 2025, 112193.
(2)He-Xiang Wu, Ming-Wei Zhang, Yun-Peng Zhao, Shuang-Xin Li, Meng Zhao, Quan-Sheng Sun, Effect of microbial and basalt fiber on the self-healing and mechanical properties of geopolymer mortar, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 101, 2025, 111826.
(3)Zhai D ,Sun Q .Molecular dynamics and experimental study of the interfacial adhesion mechanism of polyurethane-based repair materials[J].Construction and Building Materials,2025,459139796-139796.
(4)Li, Jianfei, Quansheng Sun, Dengpan Zhai, Yucong Zu, and Qinghai Zhang. "Influence of the mass percentage of binders on the properties of LHC." Scientific Reports 14, no. 1 (2024): 27143.
(5)Zhe Zhang, Quansheng Sun, Xinlong Yue, Zhonglin Sun, Yancheng Liu, Temperature field analysis and prediction of winter construction warm shed method based on hot air heating, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 60, 2024, 104709, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2024.104709.
(6)Zhai, Dengpan; Sun, Quansheng; Wang, Yanqi; Li, Jianfei. Microstructure and mechanical performance of polyurethane-fly ash composites (PU-FAC) under different effect factors[J] Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 21: e03405.
(7)Kim, C; Sun, QS ; Rim, C; Sun, ZL; Zhai, DP; Wang, YQ; Yun, GY. Flexural behavior of the corrugated steel-concrete composite structures with the polyurethane concrete (PUC). Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024,20: e03206.
(8)Tian J, Sun Q, Zhai D, et al. Fatigue properties of polyurethane concrete expansion joint anchorage zone[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 20: e02882.
(9)Kim C, Sun Q, Sun G, et al. Flexural performance of SCSP-concrete composite structures with equidistant transverse rebar[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 84: 108355.
(10)Wang Y, Sun Q, Leng S, et al. Effect of dry-wet cycles on mechanical properties of polyurethane porous mixture[J]. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 2212315.
(11)Wang Y, Sun Q, Liu Y, et al. Preparation of polyurethane concrete and its novel application in bridge expansion joint anchorage zone[J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2023: 07316844231206920.
(12)Xia H, Sun Q, Wang S. FE model to define impacting resistance behavior of RC beams protected by AlSi10Mg buffer interlayer[C]//Structures. Elsevier, 2023, 58: 105329.
(13)Hu D, Sun Q, Xie K, et al. Vertical Temperature Gradient Test and Numerical Simulation of Steel Box Girders in Cold Regions[J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2023, 37(2): 04023009.
(14)Xia H, Sun Q, Wang S. Influence of strain rate effect on energy absorption characteristics of bio-inspired honeycomb column thin-walled structure under impact loading[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 18: e01761.
(15)Rim C, Sun Q, Kim C. Experimental and numerical study on improving mechanical properties of new polyurethane-emery thin polymer overlay (TPO) structure using three-point bending test[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 364: 129992.
(16)Hu D, Sun Q, Yan B. Experimental study on the interface shear performance of elastic polyurethane concrete–steel plate[C]//Structures. Elsevier, 2022, 45: 2306-2317.
(18)Wang Y, Sun Q, Ding H, et al. Investigation of interfacial bonding properties of polyurethane concrete and cement concrete/steel reinforcement[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, 2022.
(19)Xia H, Sun Q, Liu Y. Energy absorption characteristics of bio-inspired honeycomb column thin-walled structure under low strain rate uniaxial compression loading[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(19): 6957.
(20)Wang Y, Sun Q, Ding H, et al. Effect of binder-aggregate ratio on the mechanical and functional properties of porous polyurethane cement mixture[J]. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2022, 23(14): 5101-5117.
(21)Ding H, Sun Q, Wang Y, et al. Flexural behavior of polyurethane concrete reinforced by carbon fiber grid[J]. Materials, 2021, 14(18): 5421.
(22)Jia Z, Jia D, Sun Q, et al. Preparation and mechanical-fatigue properties of elastic polyurethane concrete composites[J]. Materials, 2021, 14(14): 3839.
(23)Liu M, Sun Q, Yu H, et al. Static and dynamic test analysis of a 12-years old 14 000-ton cable-stayed bridge used swivel construction technology[J]. Archives of Civil Engineering, 2021, 67(4).
(24)Song J, Hu D, Sun Q, et al. Energy-absorption behavior of metallic hollow sphere structures under impact loading[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 226: 111350.
2. 授权专利:
(1)一种悬索桥索夹滑移的整桥模拟方法 CN202310467414.4(发明专利)
(2)一种环保型快凝废橡胶粉、蓖麻油基聚氨酯混凝土及其制备方法 CN202310356744.6(发明专利)
(3)一种带有波纹钢板的组合型桥面板 CN202222661459.9(实用新型专利)
(4)具有压敏特性的聚氨酯水泥复合材料及其制备方法和应用 CN106746988A(实用新型专利)
(5)确定斜拉桥合理施工索力的综合算法 CN105568864A(发明专利)
(6)水平转体施工斜拉桥平铰转体施工装置 CN202099746U(发明专利)
(7)一种发泡混凝土缓冲防撞结构的制备方法 CN109371911A(发明专利)
(8)一种具有波纹钢板的聚氨酯混凝土抗弯结构 CN21205896U(实用新型专利)
(9)一种内含预应力钢丝绳和加固垫层的预制梁 CN210420907U(实用新型专利)
3. 专著:
(3)孙全胜主编,桥梁检测与加固(546千字 1000册),科学出版社,2016年6月