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1、 Mechanical characterisation of interface shear strain of multi-layer composite pavement,International Journal of Pavement Engineering,2019.9(SCI)

2、 Effect of SARA on Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binders,Journal of  Materials in Civil Engineering,2019.6(SCI)

3、 Investigation of sand mixture interlayer reducing the thermal constraint strain in asphalt concrete overlay,Construction and Building Materials,2018(SCI)

4、 Effect of a sand mix interlayer on thermal cracking in overlays,Journal of  Materials in Civil,2014.9(SCI)

5、 Division of traffic dangerous grade in highway maintenance region, American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE), 2011.3(EI)

6、 沥青高模量外掺剂热稳定性能的DSC试验分析,建筑材料学报,2016.12(EI)

7、 冲击压裂缩尺混凝土试件室内试验研究,科学技术与工程,2017.9

8、 抗剥落剂对沥青和沥青混合料性能影响的分析,公路,2016.11

9、 长大纵坡水泥混凝土桥面铺装力学行为,公路,2013.10




一种可替换式侧面法测模量的夹具,ZL 201820828674.4,实用新型专利

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