1 2 3 4

1Sun Xianlong, Feng Shumin, Zhao Hu. Bus drivers’ mood states and reaction abilities at high temperatures[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2018, 59:436-444. (SSCI)

2Sun Xianlong, Feng Shumin. Psychological factors influencing the public acceptability of congestion pricing in China [J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, 41:104-112. (SSCI)

3SUN Xianglong, FENG Shumin. Influences of temperature on bus driver mood state, reaction ability and at-fault accident risk [C]. Transportation Research Board, 20171061-1074.

4 Sun Xianlong, Feng Shumin. An Iterative optimization model for hazardous materials transport with uncertain demand [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, (2): 1-6. (SCI)



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