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1. Sainan Xie, Junyan Yi, Tao Zhou, Elham H. Fini, Decheng Feng. Phase transition process of sulfur in bitumen and its effect on rheological properties of bitumen. Construction and Building Materials (IF: 7.693), 2023.01.18, 364, 129914.


2. Sainan Xie, Junyan Yi, Hengting Wang, Shih-Hsien Yang, Meng Xu, Decheng Feng. Mechanical response analysis of transverse crack treatment of asphalt pavement based on DEM. International Journal of Pavement Engineering (IF: 4.178), 2022.06.07, 23(7): 2206-2226. https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2020.1849687

3. Sainan Xie, Junyan Yi, Han Zhao, Decheng Feng, Zhaoyuan Sun. Micromorphology and micromechanical properties evolution of bitumen and bitumen fractions using atomic force microscope considering temperature effect. Energy & Fuels (IF: 4.654), 2021.11.04, 35(21): 17434-17445. (封面文章).


4. 解赛楠, 易军艳, 冯德成, 周涛, Elham H. Fini. 养生作用对硫沥青性能影响分析. 中国公路学报, 2021.09.07, 34(10): 60-71.

5. Tao Zhou, Sainan Xie, SK Faisal Kabir, Liping Cao, Elham H. Fini. Effect of sulfur on bio-modified rubberized bitumen. Construction and Building Materials (IF: 7.693), 2021.03.01, 273: 122034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.122034

6. Sainan Xie, Junyan Yi, Hengting Wang, et.al., Mechanical response analysis of transverse crack treatment of asphalt pavement based on discrete element method. 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2020/01/12-2020/01/16.

7. Sainan Xie, Junyan Yi, Decheng Feng, et.al., Surface microstructure and micromechanical properties of asphalt and its chemical components at room and high service temperatures, 8th International Transportation Ph.D. Student Symposium, Achen, 2019/09/12-2019/09/13.

8. Sainan Xie, Junyan Yi, Decheng Feng, et.al., Nanostructure and adhesion properties of asphalt surface in normal temperature range. World Transport Convention 2018, Beijing, 2018/6/18-2018/6/21.

9. Junyan Yi, Zhao Ren, Sainan Xie, Han Zhao, Decheng Feng. Thermal performance of a layered asphalt pavement system for snow melting. Cold Regions Science and Technology (IF: 4.427), 2021.12.15, 193: 103419.


10. Chaoyang Guo, Junyan Yi, Sainan Xie, Jianpeng Chu, Decheng Feng. Study on the influential factors of noise characteristics in dense-graded asphalt mixtures and field asphalt pavements. Shock and Vibration (IF: 1.628), 2018.09.09, 2018: 5742412.


11. Wenyi Zhou, Junyan Yi, Zhongshi Pei, Sainan Xie, Decheng Feng. Preliminary design of recyclable epoxy asphalt: Regeneration feasibility analysis and environmental impact assessment[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (IF: 3.057), 2022.06.20, 139(24): e52349. (封面文章). http://doi.org/10.1002/app.52349

12. Zhaojie Sun, Junyan Yi, Zining Chen, Sainan Xie, Meng Xu, Decheng Feng. Chemical and rheological properties of polymer modified bitumen incorporating bio-oil derived from waste cooking oil. Materials and Structures (IF: 2.901), 2019.11.25, 52(5): 106.


13. Junyan Yi, Xiaoyi Pang, Decheng Feng, Zhongshi Pei, Meng Xu, Sainan Xie, Yudong Huang. Studies on surface energy of asphalt and aggregate at different scales and bonding property of asphalt-aggregate system. Road Materials and Pavement Design (IF: 1.98), 2018.06.15, 19(5): 1102-1125.


14. Xiu Liu, Changjun Zhou, Decheng Feng, Xiaohu Fan, Sainan Xie. Experimental study on interlayer shear properties of ERS pavement system for long-span steel bridges. Construction and Building Materials (IF: 3.485), 2017.07.15, 143: 198-209. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.144

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