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(1)Dong,L;Jia,J;Zhang,LX.Numerical Analysis on Spanwise Correlation of Vortex-Induced Force of Split Double-Box Beam. Applied Sciences-Basel.2023.

(2)Lu,HY; Jia,J.Study on Nonline Aerodynamic Characterisdcs of a scmi-Closcd Box Bridge Deck Based on Coupled Amplitude. Advances in Civil Engineering.2022.

(3)Jia,J;Lu,HY.Study on Nonline Aerodynamic Characterisdcs of a scmi-Closcd Box Bridge Deck Based on variation of motion parameters. Advances in Civil Engineering.2022.

(4)Xiang,YF; Jia,J.Road Performance and Ice-Melting Characteristics of Steel Wool Asphalt Mixture. Buildings.2022

(5)Zhang,LX; Jia,J.Study on Wind Load Characteristics and Wind-Induced Response of Supertall Buildings with Single-Sided Large-Span Straight Platforms

(6)Pan,XH; Jia,J.Evaluation Model of Highway Reconstruction and Expansion Scheme Based on Multiple Attribute Decision Making. Advances in Civil Engineering.2022.

(7)Xiang,YF; Jia,J.Road Performance Comprehensive Evaluation of Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt Fiber Micro-surfacing. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering.2022

(8) 贾杰、韩荣轩,偏心桥梁断面颤振稳定性流固耦合数值模拟研究,振动与冲击,2020.

2. 指导本科生发表学术论文15篇。

3. 授权实用新型专利6项。

4. 主编、副主编、参编教材5部。

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