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1. 代表性学术论文:
1Sun Qiang, Zhang Zhilin, Wu Yuebin*, Xu Ying, Liang Huan. Numerical Analysis of Transient Pressure Damping in Viscoelastic Pipes at Different Water Temperatures[J]. Materials,2022, 15(14), 4904. (SCI检索号:000831918000001; DOI:10.3390/ma15144904;IF= 3.748; 材料科学3)

2Sun Qiang, Hao Yingqi, Cheng Peifeng. Parametric analysis of discrete multiple-cavity models with the quasi-two-dimensional friction model for transient cavitating pipe flows[J]. AQUA-Water Infrastructure Ecosystems and Society, 2022, 71(2), 355-372. (SCI检索号:000749226000001;DOI:10.2166/aqua.2022.159; IF= 3.007; 工程技术4)

3Sun Qiang, Wu Yuebin, Xu Ying, Chen Liang, Jang Tae Uk. Coupling quasi-two-dimensional friction model and discrete vapour cavity model for simulation of transient cavitating flows in pipeline systems[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 8089308, 12 pages. (SCI检索号:000561236900007 ; IF= 1.009; 工程技术4)

4Sun Qiang, Wu Yuebin, Xu Ying, Jang Tae Uk. Optimal Sizing of Air Vessel in Long-Distance Water-Supply Pumping System through SQP Method [J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 2016, 7(3): 05016001, 6 pages. (SCI检索号:000381049900005; EI检索号:20163002638655; IF= 0.896; 工程技术4)

5Sun Qiang, Wu Yuebin, Xu Ying, Jang Tae Uk. Flux vector splitting schemes for water hammer flows in pumping supply systems with air vessels [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2015, 22(3): 69 – 74. (EI检索号: 20153301165613)

6孙强, 伍悦滨, 徐莹, Jang Tae Uk. 一种高效的准二维管道瞬变流计算方法 [J].工程力学, 2017, 34(9): 34-42. (EI检索号: 20174604387924)

7孙强,张智霖,伍悦滨*,徐莹.道路综合管廊输水管道参数辨识研究[J]. 森林工程, 2022, 38(6): 123-129.(中文核心)

8孙强, 王祉皓, 伍悦滨, 徐莹.弹性/粘弹性混合管道瞬变流参数校核方法[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2023, 23(2): 762-769.(中文核心)

9孙强,王祉皓,伍悦滨*.水温对管道瞬变流压力波动影响机制研究[J]. 建筑热能通风空调, 2022, 41(10): 30~33.

10)张奥,孙强*,肖童,王祉皓.管道水锤波速计算方法研究[J]. 低温建筑技术, 2022, 44(11): 1-4.

2. 授权实用新型专利5项。






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