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(1) Xiancai Jiang, Qingpeng Shang. A Dynamic CAV-dedicated lane allocation method with the joint optimization of signal timing parameters and smooth trajectory in a mixed traffic environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(6): 6436-6449(SCI, IF=9.551, Top期刊)

(2) Xiancai Jiang, Li Yao, Yao Jin, Runting Wu. Signal Control Method for Through and Left-turn Shared Lane by Setting Left-turn Waiting Area at Signalized Intersections. Sustainability, 2021, 13(23), 13154(SCI, IF=3.889)

(3) Xiancai Jiang, Yu Jin, Yanli Ma. Dynamic Phase Signal Control Method for Unstable Asymmetric Traffic Flow at Intersections. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, 8843921(SCI, IF=2.419)

(4) Xiancai Jiang, Su Gao. Signal Control Method and Performance Evaluation of an Improved Displaced Left-turn Intersection Design in Unsaturated Traffic Conditions. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2020, 8(1): 264-289(SCI, IF=2.214).

(5) Yanli Ma, Biqing Yin, Xiancai Jiang, Jankun Du, Ching-Yao Chan. Psychological and Environmental Factors Affecting Driver’s Frequent Lane-changing Driving Behaviours: A National Sample of Drivers in China. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2020, 14(8): 825-833(SCI, IF=2.48)

(6) Xiancai Jiang, Qingpeng Shang, Yao Jin. Signal Control Method for Modern Roundabouts with Waiting Areas to Meet High Traffic Demands. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2023, 944: 51-79(EI)

(7) 蒋贤才,谢志云,金宇.一种新式的交叉口左转待行区信号控制方法. 中国公路学报. 2021, 34(9): 285-296(EI)

(8) 蒋贤才,金宇,谢志云.车联网环境下干线交通信号协调控制方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2021, 53(3): 18-25 (EI)

(9) Xiancai Jiang, Yu Jin, Zhiyun Xie. A Coordinated Signal Control Method under the Environment of Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System. Proceedings of the 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2021: 167-178(EI)

(10) 蒋贤才,张龙洋,高苏. 环形交叉口待行区设置与信号控制方法. 中国公路学报. 2020, 33(5): 143-152(EI)

(11) Xiancai Jiang, Longyang Zhang. Parking Demand Forecasting Model for Urban Complex Based on Shared Parking: A Case Study of Harbin City. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2020, 617: 977-990(EI)

(12) 蒋贤才,高苏,张龙洋. 一种改进的移位左转车道信号控制方法及其效用分析. 中国公路学报. 2019, 32(9): 152-163(EI)

(13) 蒋贤才,于晨. 信号交叉口不对称交通流的优化控制方法. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2018, 18(6): 48-54(EI)

(14) Xiancai Jiang, Chen Yu, Anni Wang. The traffic signalized control method and applicable condition of U-turn in urban arterial road. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2019, 503: 219-228(EI)

(15) Xiancai Jiang. Construction of the Block Traffic-violation Penalty: Illegal Parking as an Example. Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2018: 2189-2200(EI)

(16) Xiancai Jiang, Jianliang Mo, Yahui Li. The gradation relationship model and application of urban multimodal transit networks. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2018: 367-383(EI)

(17) 蒋贤才,张龙洋,高苏. 考虑车速诱导及车辆到达特征的交叉口信号优化控制方法. 大连交通大学学报. 2019, 40(6): 1-8


(1) 蒋贤才,金尧,墨建亮. ETC通行失信行为电子取证与分类管理方法及系统. 专利号: ZL 202110760363.5,授权时间: 2023.05.

(2) 金尧,杨梦婷,蒋贤才. 车路协同环境下公交优先通行信号控制方法及系统. 专利号: ZL 202011499351.3,授权时间: 2023.03.

(3) 蒋贤才,杨梦婷,墨建亮. 交叉口共享自动驾驶车道的信号控制方法及系统. 专利号: ZL202110489837.7,授权时间: 2022.06.

(4) 蒋贤才,姚丽,马艳丽,尚庆鹏. 一种高速公路交通事件的分级预警方法. 专利号:ZL 202010329001.6,授权时间:2022.05.

(5) 蒋贤才,姚丽,尚庆鹏. 车路协同环境下单点自适应交通信号优化控制方法. 专利号:ZL201911304062.0, 授权时间:2021.06.

(6) 蒋贤才,高苏,张龙洋. 一种借用对向出口车道消除交叉口左转相位的方法. 专利号:ZL201711055070.7,授权时间:2021.06.

(7) 蒋贤才,张龙洋,娄艺苧,高苏. 一种识别右转机动车是否礼让行人的方法. 专利号:ZL201711009847.6,授权时间:2021.03.

(8) 蒋贤才,尚庆鹏,姚丽. 人机混合驾驶环境下交叉口信号控制参数的优化方法. 专利号: ZL201911380492.0, 授权时间:2020.12.

(9) 蒋贤才,尚庆鹏,马艳丽. 人机混合驾驶环境下交叉口进口道车道功能重构方法. 专利号:ZL201911063031.0,授权时间:2020.11.

(10) 蒋贤才,金宇,冷军强,马涛. 一种环形交叉口车辆通行系统及通行控制方法. 专利号: ZL201810644527.6,授权时间:2020.11.

(11) 马艳丽,田佳佳,蒋贤才,常梦雪,朱洁玉. 一种考虑速度一致性的高速公路交通安全评价方法. 专利号: ZL201910667992.6,授权时间:2020.10.

(12) 蒋贤才,张龙洋,高苏. 一种考虑上游交叉口信号控制方案并结合车速诱导的交叉口交通信号控制方法. 专利号: ZL201711323434.5,授权时间:2020.08.

(13) 蒋贤才,金宇. 基于车速诱导的非统一周期时长下干线信号协调控制方法. 专利号: ZL 201811435108.8,授权时间:2020.06.

(14) 蒋贤才,高苏,张龙洋. 一种识别取证车辆是否变道插队的方法. 专利号: ZL201711079619.6,授权时间:2019.10.

(15) 马艳丽,蒋贤才,吴昊天,胡宝雨,范璐洋, 史惠敏. 城市快速路匝道合流区安全预警系统. 专利号: ZL201710548017.4,授权时间:2019.10.

(16) 马艳丽,张鹏,蒋贤才,祁首铭,冷雪. 一种考虑交通环境复杂度的车载设备操作风险辨识方法. 专利号: ZL201810350955.8,授权时间:2019.10.

(17) 蒋贤才,尚庆鹏,姚丽. 一种设置直行待驶区的交叉口的信号配时优化方法. 专利号: ZL201910413371.5, 授权时间:2019.09.

(18) 程国柱,陈永胜,蒋贤才,秦丽辉. 一种预防行人闯红灯阻拦装置及阻拦方法. 专利号: ZL201710488059.3, 授权时间:2019.05.

(19) 蒋贤才,程国柱,于晨,张亚平,程绍武. 一种基于出口剩余容量约束的交叉口信号控制方法. 专利号: ZL201610867275.4,授权时间:2018.06.

(20) 蒋贤才,王安妮,徐烨超. 消除十字信号交叉口左转相位的交通信号设置方法. 专利号: ZL201510553268.2, 授权时间:2018.04.

(21) 蒋贤才,于晨. 自适应交叉口交通流随机波动的交通信号控制方法. 专利号: ZL201610578948.4,授权时间:2018.04.

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