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时间:2018-06-21 点击数:

讲座题目:Wind effects on tall buildings and structures – Wind tunnel modelling                           

                     and field measurements

主讲人:Kenny C.S. Kwok 教授




讲座题目:Control separated shear layer to manipulate crosswind vibrations of bluff   


主讲人:Hu Gang(胡钢)博士后




讲座题目:Some observations of wind-structure interaction on pollution dispersion 

                    and wind-fire interactions on bushfire-enhanced wind effects

主讲人:Kenny C.S. Kwok 教授




Kenny C.S. Kwok  Kenny C.S. Kwok is currently a Professor of Engineering at the University of Sydney. He was previously Professor of Engineering at Western Sydney University (2008 to 2017), Professor of Civil Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1998-2008) and Professor of Wind Engineering at The University of Sydney (1999-2002). Kenny is also Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since 2008. His research interests include wind engineering, wind-fire interactions on bushfire-enhanced wind effects, structural dynamics, vibration control, human perception of motion, and environmental fluid mechanics, particularly with respect to the dynamic behavior of tall buildings and flexible structures in strong winds. His research focuses on fundamental aspects of building aerodynamics and wind-structure-occupant-damper interactions, and their practical applications to real life situations. He has published over 500 articles in journals, book chapters, invited and keynote papers, and conference papers. He is a Life Member of the Australasian Wind Engineering Society and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Institution of Engineers, Australia.

Hu Gang(胡钢) Currently a postdoctoral research associate at School of Civil Engineering, the University of Sydney. He obtained his bachelor, MPhil, and PhD degree from Central South University (2009), Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) (2011), and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2015) respectively. From 2015/09, he joined the CLP Power Wind/Wave Tunnel Facility at HKUST as a research associate, and then served as a postdoc fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at HKUST from 2016/09 to 2017/11. From 2017/12 to date, he has been employed as a postdoc research associate at the School of Civil Engineering, the University of Sydney. He is an executive committee member of Hong Kong Wind Engineering Society. To date, he has published 24 papers in internal reputed journals.









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